Draft Charter
Version 2
In order to promote and encourage the creation of original
objects of the highest quality, and to properly recognize the contributions of
Cybertown’s Object Creators. Cybertown
Creators Union (hereafter referred to as the CCU) will fulfill a role of
leadership by example for all the Cybertown creators.
Article 1 – Cybertown
Creators Union Logo Requirements
A CCU Logo will be established and CCU members will be
entitled to display the logo in the thumbnail of their items if the following
qualifications are met. Members are
not required to display the logo. Enforcement
of the logo requirements is on the honor system.
If an object displaying the CCU logo is deemed inappropriate the member
must immediately request that it be removed from the Mall.
An Executive Object Review board may grant exceptions to this punitive
measure if deemed appropriate.
Section A – Object
All objects submitted to the mall, which bear the CCU logo,
must be original objects. Original
objects are deemed to be objects in which at least 75% of the work for the
object is completely new for this object. Images
which are considered art work must be 100% the artists own design. No
photography or simple textured boxes shall be allowed to bear the CCU logo.
Section B – Object
All objects submitted to the mall, which bear the CCU logo, must be suitable for a family oriented site. Neither “pin-up” style posters, nor objects displaying images and/or models that contain a violent of adult nature, or display prejudice against any religion, race or ethnicity shall be allowed to display the CCU Logo.
Section C – Object Quality
All objects submitted to the mall, which bear the CCU logo,
must be of the highest quality. This
means it is expected that the object will be graded Class B or above, and
compares favorably with other Class A items of the past.
Items submitted by a member should display an increasing level of
sophistication and mastery of the craft.
Article III – Community
Cybertown Creators Union members will provide general help
and tutoring to all those who ask and are willing to learn.
The CCU will sponsor learning events, which are aimed at beginner,
intermediate, and advanced level creators.
Each member of the Union should lead such an event periodically.
Article IV – Fraternity
The Cybertown Creators Union is a fraternal organization,
which will provide for regular club meetings, a system for virtual
conversations, and a network for collaborative cooperation and information
sharing among its members.
Section A – Communications
The Cybertown Creators Union will provide a Clubhouse for
members to use, and will have an eGroup mailing list.
Section B – Collaborations
The Cybertown Creators Union will encourage and promote
collaborative efforts by its members. Members
should participate in a pro-bono collaborative project periodically.
Section C – Meetings
The Cybertown Creators Union will have periodic club
meetings. Attendance is voluntary
but highly encouraged in order to advance in status in the union. Meeting
times and dates are TBA at this time.
Article V –Structure
The social structure of the CCU will consist of a President, Vice President, and Review Board. Most of the decisive power will lay in the hands of the Review Board, who will make most of the major decisions. The President's job will be to represent and organize the union.
Section A – Membership Requirements
Requirements for becoming a member of the Union will be a complete portfolio of 3d objects, at least three Class A items created, and willingness to help others.
Section B – Proposed Title System
Requirements for becoming an “Apprentice Creator” should be at least three 3d class A objects. Requirements for “Creator” will be a display of growing improvement in quality of their items, and at least 10 Class A objects. Requirements for a “Master Builder” title should be a display of superior knowledge of VRML and hand coding, membership in the World Builder’s Guild, and a web page to help others learn how to create objects.
Section C – Growth
Members of the CCU should never put down other creators work. Everyone in the CCU is equal, and no one person is a better creator than another. CCU members should also encourage beginning creators to join the union.